Tag: veggies

How to Cook Garlic Scape (and How to Grow Your Own Garlic Too)

How to Cook Garlic Scape (and How to Grow Your Own Garlic Too)

The garlic scape season has just passed, so I apologize for the late post. Planning a vacation and then spending a week away put me behind on a lot of things. But I’ll remind you in October to plant your own garlic. Growing garlic is 

Okey Dokey Artichokey

Okey Dokey Artichokey

I was in my early teens when I first read a recipe for steamed fresh artichokes. At the time, they weren’t nearly as common as they are now; back then, they seemed exotic. I was pleasantly surprised when my mom and I found them at 

Fire Woman

Fire Woman

Okay, call me crazy but this year we decided to grow the Bhut Jolokia Pepper, aka the Ghost Chili Pepper. The Ghost Chili was, until it was ousted this year by the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper, considered the hottest chili pepper in the world.

I started ours indoors in February and here’s what it looks like now, in our garden:

It seemed a little slow going at the start, but once the days became longer and warmer, she really took off. After the transplant into the garden, she took really well, with very little shock. And I truly think she’s loving these last few hot days. I will keep you posted of her progress as the season goes.

Aside from our Ghost Chilê, I also planted Poblano’s, Anaheim’s, Jalapeno’s, Sweet Red and Yellow Bells, Hot Red Cherry’s, Holy Molê’s and Chilacas. Whew. I’ve got 3 Hot Red Cherry’s going because I like to can them and then stuff them at the holidays with prosciutto and provolone.

We’ve been enjoying our Easter Egg Radishes already since they were one of the first into the garden.


Gorgeous, aren’t they? We love radishes and the Easter Egg variety has proven to be the most prolific for our climate and soil.

If you’re a seed starter like I am, I highly recommend Totally Tomatoes for a great selection of tomatoes and peppers. I’ve ordered from them for years and their seeds always start for me, with wonderful results.

Happy gardening everyone!

The Age of Asparagus

The Age of Asparagus

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to grow our own asparagus. It certainly seemed like a wise investment considering our passion for it and the rising cost of it on our weekly grocery bill. Asparagus is definitely our favorite vegetable. Well, actually