Ta Da!
I have achieved Broccoli Sprouts!

Just to recap, in case you’re just finding me: I started these broccoli sprouts on Friday afternoon. I soaked 3 tablespoons of broccoli seed in a big bowl of water for 6 hours. Then I drained them, rinsed them off, and drained them again.
I rinsed and drained them about every 12 hours on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. They have stayed in their draining tray on my kitchen counter, with a lid on. Tuesday morning I gave them one final rinse, left the lid off and let them see sunlight. Tuesday night when I came home, they had greened up beautifully!

I love broccoli sprouts and, since they’re becoming harder and harder to find, this is very exciting for me. I’m sure you’re all pretty well convinced now that I’m serious need of a life.
Happy sprouting!
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