Recent Posts

Simple, Beautiful Swiss Chard

Simple, Beautiful Swiss Chard

Yes, I’ve been very busy in my gardens. Flowers and veggies and mulch, oh my. But I’ve also tried to relax a bit and enjoy the early summer. A screened-in patio with a ceiling fan and hammock really help with the whole “letting go” process. 

Sowing the Seeds of Love

Sowing the Seeds of Love

Just a quick garden shot: Have a beautiful day.

Random Ramblings

Random Ramblings

I said it in my last post but I’ll say it again: I’ve been a terrible blogger lately. Between veggie gardens, flower gardens, 24 yards of mulch and spring cleaning, I’ve had zero time on my hands. There are always a few weeks in the spring that I feel like this and usually a few weeks in the fall, when veggies are being harvested and preserved.

If I’ve not stopped by your blog recently, believe me, it’s coming. I’m looking forward to the afternoon I get to sit back with my laptop and a cold beverage and catch up with everyone!

I just harvested the last of our spring Easter egg radishes and did find the time to snap a few photos:

lola rugula easter egg radishes

lola rugula easter egg radishes

My husband and I like radishes so much that they rarely make it into a recipe or even a salad; typically we eat them out of the fridge like they’re candy within a matter of a few days.

Are any of you going garden crazy? Or maybe already taken a vacation, or planning one? Maybe you’re finding time to relax and kick back a bit? I’d love to hear what you’re up to and again, am looking forward to catching up on all your blogs!

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

I admit it – I’ve been a terrible blogger lately. The gardens have kept me overly occupied because the weather’s been so nice here the last couple of weeks. Here’s a shot of one of my new perennials… Have a wonderful day!

Kitchen Nightmares: Another Perspective

Kitchen Nightmares: Another Perspective

It looms before me every day. I cannot avoid it, despite how much I try. Whenever I am forced to enter its presence, I feel a hopelessness bordering on despair. I attempt to fight my aversion with every ounce of my being. I try to 

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

Thanks to Mother Nature’s generous spirit, it finally hasn’t rained here for 2 whole days. This means I actually got to go outside again and dig around in the dirt for a few hours. Unfortunately, it’s still a bit chilly out and the wind today is not kind, so my efforts were shorter-lived than I’d planned.

Though crocus has been up for weeks now, daffodils and other little bulbs are showing their blooms finally. This is a shot of what I’ve always called woodland flowers – tiny but beautiful!

purple woodland flowers

So, after crazy husband and I spent way too much money at Village Green, a local garden shop, yesterday, a morning in our own gardens reminded me of how much I really enjoy flowers.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

Kitchen Nightmares 101

Kitchen Nightmares 101

I’ve been asked more than once about where my love of cooking comes from. Oddly enough, even my mom has asked me this question and she’s one of my food heroes, so maybe the explanation’s not as easy as it would seem. My mom always