Charred Shishito Peppers

Charred Shishito Peppers

If you’re a home gardener, shishito peppers are an easy-to-grow, heavily-producing plant that bears fruit earlier than a lot of other types of peppers. These peppers are fast growers too; two plants easily produce about 10-20 peppers every week or so during peak growing season. 

Chicken Liver Pate

Chicken Liver Pate

Liver. You either love it or hate it; there’s rarely an in-between. I grew up with parents who liked liver and onions so it was an occasional dinner of my youth and one I’ve always enjoyed. And it wasn’t just liver and onions we ate, but 

Popped Sorghum

Popped Sorghum

If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, I’ll bet you’re more likely than most carnivores to have either had or least heard of sorghum. It’s somewhat of a “fringe” grain….not very mainstream but popular in certain circles. According to the Whole Grains Council, the