Tag: how to grow

How to Make Homemade Horseradish

How to Make Homemade Horseradish

A few years ago, I got the brilliant idea to plant horseradish. I got the roots at a local store and then, because I ran out of time to plant them, ended up sticking them in our refrigerator for a week. So when I finally 

Adventures in Sprouting – the Finale

Adventures in Sprouting – the Finale

Ta Da! I have achieved Broccoli Sprouts! Just to recap, in case you’re just finding me: I started these broccoli sprouts on Friday afternoon. I soaked 3 tablespoons of broccoli seed in a big bowl of water for 6 hours. Then I drained them, rinsed 

Adventures in Sprouting – Part 3

Adventures in Sprouting – Part 3

I just have to tell you guys that I’m ROCKING this whole growing-my-own-sprouts thing.

After rinsing well and then draining well twice each day, this is what my Broccoli Sprouts looked like Monday morning:

how to grow broccoli sprouts lola rugula

I was afraid the whole “rinsing/draining” procedure would wear me down but it takes so little time that it’s been easy to incorporate into my daily routine.

growing your own broccoli sprouts lola rugula

You may think I’m a little crazy for getting so excited over growing broccoli sprouts but that’s okay. I was a little crazy to begin with.

Adventures in Sprouting – Part 2

Adventures in Sprouting – Part 2

Well, my broccoli sprouts sprouted overnight! This is what they looked like on Saturday (they’re the seeds on the left): And this is what they looked like Sunday morning: I started these on Friday afternoon, so I’m very pleased with the results so far. As 

Adventures in Home Sprouting

Adventures in Home Sprouting

My husband’s convinced that my recent interest in home sprouting stems from my need to be growing something. He thinks I’m going through summer-garden-withdrawal, which may or may not be true. Whatever the reason, I’m pretty excited to have a go at it. I’ve always 

I’ve Achieved Ghost Chili

I’ve Achieved Ghost Chili

If you’ve been following my adventure in growing a ghost chili plant, then you know I’ve been at this for a while.

I started our ghost chili plant indoors in February and it has taken this long to achieve one little pepper. The plant is currently loaded with green ones but this one small pepper finally turned orange.

how to grow ghost chili pepper

My husband and I, brave souls that we are, decided to taste it last night. I cut off a sliver of it and the minute it hit my tongue I knew I was putting pure fire in my mouth.

There is somewhat of a fruity flavor behind all the intense heat, but I’m not kidding you when I say these things are dangerous. This is truly the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. It was beyond hot. It was molten.

We’ve already had to cover our plants twice due to frost warnings and, though the next week looks like it’s going to be pretty nice, our season here in Northern Illinois is quickly winding down.

We may have to dig the plant up and bring it inside. I’m thinking ghost chili salsa.

Hahahahahahahaha. I’m pretty sure I’m insane.

Ghost Chili Update

Ghost Chili Update

Here’s the latest shot of our ghost chili plant, aka Bhut Jolokia: I swear this is the slowest growing pepper in all of mankind but it’s getting there. It’s just really starting to get loaded up with peppers and we’re into September. Waiting is not